
Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit User Guide

What is Garmin x Rabbit?

Garmin x Rabbit is the special edition of Garmin smartwatch. This smartwatch can be applicable for both Garmin and Rabbit functions*. The Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is Co-Branded Rabbit Card which issued by Garmin (Thailand) Ltd., (“Garmin”).

* The term “Rabbit Functions, Rabbit or Rabbit Card” as specified herein shall mean the electronic money as operated by Bangkok Smartcard System Company Limited (“Company”). Rabbit card is the only one smartcard in Thailand which can be used as a mean of payment for transportation fare such as BTS, BRT, Boats and Buses in Bangkok and big cities including pay for products and services at leading stores nationwide.
The use of Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit will be complied with “Terms and Conditions of using Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch” and “Conditions of Issue” as designated by Company.

To perform a Process of Know Your Customer (“KYC”)

Before using Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch, It is required to complete a process of KYC as required by laws. The user can proceed a process of KYC via following channels:

  1. BTS, BRT ticket offices at any stations
  2. Rabbit Service Center at Siam BTS station
  3. My Rabbit Application and complete the processes by yourselves.

Once the process is completed, it’s not necessary to do it twice.

How to Use Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch?

You can use Rabbit function to pay for products and services by turn on rapid pass mode of Rabbit function then tap Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch’s body on Rabbit reader of provider until the transaction is successfully completed. In case of turn off rapid pass mode, please select wallet icon enter password and tap Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch’s body on Rabbit reader while Rabbit icon show on the watch face’s screen.

In using Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch to pay for transportation fare. Tap the smartwatch direct to the middle of Rabbit reader which installed at the gate.

Where to Use Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch?

Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch can pay for BTS and BRT fares including other transportation service provider such as boats and buses. It also can pay for products and services at leading merchants. For more information of participating merchants and other promotions please visit www.rabbit.co.th.

How to Top-Up Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch?

To top-up to Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch, you can do cash top-up at any BTS and BRT ticket offices or ticket vending machines or at any authorized Rabbit top-up provider. The top-up amount must be made in 100 Baht multiples or top-up by yourself via My Rabbit Application. The maximum value that can be stored on Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is 4,000 Baht.

How to Check Remaining Balance in Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch?

You can check the remaining balance of Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch at any Rabbit service providers which accepted Rabbit or Rabbit top-up provider or My Rabbit Application.

If Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is unreadable, what should I do?

If it is found that Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is not workable or readable when you use Rabbit at participating merchants or transportation service provider, please bring Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch to BTS or BRT ticket offices or Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station) for firstly checking the Rabbit functions. If it cannot be checked or fixed, please contact Garmin Service Center directly for further checking.

What to Do when Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch Is Lost or Stolen?

In case of Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is lost or stolen, you can suspend Rabbit functions at Rabbit Hotline: 0-2617-8383 The suspension of Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch will be effective after 24 hours from notifying the suspension to the Rabbit Hotline. The Company shall suspend the remaining balance on Rabbit functions only.

After the suspension of Rabbit functions has become effective, Company will refund only remaining balance on Rabbit the user who completed the KYC process. The Company shall not be responsible for the loss and damages of the Stored Value on the Registered Rabbit prior to the suspension is effective. The conditions of suspension will be complied with “Conditions of Issue” as designated by Company.

The suspension of Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch

The Company may suspend Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch if it is suspected of being counterfeit, stolen, lost, or fraudulently issued or procured, or it is suspected that the remaining balance on the Rabbit functions has been fraudulently or illegally revalued, or otherwise subject to the Company’s decision. A fee may be charged to cancel the suspension of Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch.

How to Refund Remaining Balance in Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch?

You can refund the remaining balance in Rabbit functions at Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station). By refunding the remaining balance, you accept that the usage of such Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch shall be absolutely terminated. However, you can still use other functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch as usual except Rabbit functions.

If the remaining balance in Rabbit functions is negative, the remaining balance cannot be refunded. You must pay for the negative value before cancelling Rabbit functions. However, you can refund only remaining balance. In case of Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is unreadable, please contact Garmin Service Center directly for checking and solving the problem.

The change of Rabbit Functions’ owner on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch

Changed owner of Rabbit functions which is completed proceed a process of KYC, the current user and new user are required to present themselves and bring Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch and related document as requested by Company at Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station). The new user has to proceed a process of Know Your Customer (KYC). A processing fee may be charged by Company.

The Validity period of Rabbit Functions on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch

The validity period for Rabbit functions on the Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch is 7 years. The Rabbit will be usable during the period as specified in the "Conditions of Issue” after such period, it will become expired. The conditions of using or refund remaining balance of Expired Rabbit will be complied with “Conditions of Issue”.

Maintenance Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch

  • Your Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch should not be removed from the Rabbit reader before the transaction is completed
  • Rabbit functions on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch should not be used with any other readers apart from the Rabbit reader
  • Keep your Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch free from physical damage

Garmin Service Center: 1800-200-206
Rabbit Hotline: 0-2617-8383
Rabbit Website: www.rabbit.co.th
Rabbit Card Facebook: Rabbitcard
Rabbit Rewards: Rabbit Rewards is the exclusive benefits program for Rabbit function on Garmin x Rabbit smartwatch and any Rabbit Card. For information about Rabbit Rewards and registration details, please visit https://rewards.rabbit.co.th or contact Rabbit Rewards Call Center: 0-2150-0523

Terms and Conditions of using Rabbit Function on Garmin x Rabbit Smartwatch

  1. When a first-time user (Customer) obtains a Garmin x Rabbit product in one of the following ways, Customer must do KYC and register their Garmin x Rabbit product.
    • a. Purchase of a new Garmin x Rabbit
    • b. Purchase or acquisition of a used Garmin x Rabbit
    • c. Replacement of a Garmin x Rabbit returned for repair
  2. BTS will not be responsible for any existing damage on your Garmin watch except for accidental damages incurred during KYC and registration or inspection of the status of the watch by a BTS office agent.
  3. Customer shall call the Rabbit Hotline (Call Center: 02-617-8383) for their lost or stolen Garmin x Rabbit. Customer accepts that the usage of such Rabbit card will be absolutely cancelled, and that BSS will refund the remaining value to Customer. A refund fee will be charged by BSS. The suspension of the Rabbit card will be effective to most Rabbit devices in the next 24 hours. Moreover, BSS and Garmin will not be responsible for any transaction occurring during this 24-hour period.
  4. In the event Customer found their lost Garmin x Rabbit after contacting Rabbit Hotline (Call Center: 02-617-8383), they can call the Rabbit Hotline to check the status of the refund. The refund can be cancelled if the refund process has not started. Customer can confirm to cancel the refund and contact Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station) to cancel the suspension of the Rabbit card. A refund fee will still be required.
  5. If Customer wants to cancel the Rabbit card function on their Garmin watch, they shall contact Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station) to get refund for any remaining value on their Rabbit card. A refund fee will be charged by BSS. Customer accepts that the usage of such Rabbit card will be absolutely cancelled, and Garmin watch cannot bind a new Rabbit card.
  6. If Customer needs to resell or gift their Garmin x Rabbit watch, the current customer and new customer must bring the related document and go to Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station) with proof of their ownership of the watch to get refund for any remaining value and clear KYC together. A refund fee will be charged by BSS. So that, new customer must register Garmin x Rabbit immediately. BSS reserves the right to change user of Garmin x Rabbit if the either side does not go to Rabbit Service Center together.
  7. BSS and Garmin will not be responsible for any loss or dispute over the ownership of a resold Garmin x Rabbit watch that has not went through the refund or KYC clearance process for any remaining value or existing registration information.
  8. Regarding KYC registration and the refund of the stored value, Customer can contact Rabbit Hotline (Call Center: 02-617-8383) to inquiry. As for function breakdown resulted from software or hardware damage of Garmin x Rabbit, Customer can contact Garmin Service Center. The repair will follow Garmin’s repair process and Garmin service center will submit refund request to BSS. BSS shall perform the refund to Garmin X Rabbit which has been through KYC in accordance with the Conditions of Issue. A refund fee will be charged by BSS.
  9. BSS reserves the right ONLY to Customer whose Garmin x Rabbit has been through KYC and registered.
  10. If Rabbit Card on Garmin x Rabbit is expired and it cannot bind with the new Rabbit Card. However, there are 2 choices for expired Rabbit card as below.
    • a. Customer can spend out the remain value of Rabbit card until no remaining value and BTS trip (the valid period of using BTS trip will follow the condition as designated by the BTS after last time buy). However, Customer cannot top up value and BTS trip.
    • b. Customer can get a refund by contacting Rabbit Service Center (BTS Siam Station) as stated in clause 5.
  11. This Garmin x Rabbit cannot bind with Rabbit LINE Pay account.
  12. Refund must be processed through Rabbit Refund in Thailand. Hence, when oversea customer sent his/her Garmin X Rabbit product to Garmin for repair service, refund of remaining value on the such product is not available if Garmin provides replacement to Customer.
  13. Above terms and conditions are subject to change, for latest terms and conditions please refer to the Garmin Thailand Support Center.

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